How to find a job? Have you sent hundreds of resumes and couldn’t find a perfect fit? We know, looking for a new job can often be exhausting. How do you look for work? Do you send copies of your resume to all the places that appear? Do you register on all employment platforms? Do… Read more »
Tips For Job Interviews
The job interview is an important step in your job search because it is your best chance to show the company and the hiring manager that you are the best candidate. To help you get that job, we have compiled some tips for job interviews, as well as some advice for answering the most frequently… Read more »
What Should I Do If I Haven’t Heard Back from a Job Application?

We get it- applying for jobs is stressful, and the waiting game that comes after you apply is even worse. Staying confident and being patient while awaiting a response is important, but eventually, it is up to you to reach out! Contacting employers can be intimidating, but we have a few tips to help you hear back… Read more »
the BOLT Job Calculator

There has never been a better time to get a job, but keeping track of your different job opportunities can get confusing! To solve this problem, we’ve created the BOLT Job Calculator. Use this to keep track of your job opportunities, and give each a score based on what is important to you. This free… Read more »
BOLT 500 Winner: Lane Appleby

Congratulations to Lane Appleby, who won $500 for his week of perfect attendance with BOLT! When Lane visited our American Canyon office he told us he was shocked to have won. “I saw the BOLT 500 a couple of weeks ago but thought ‘that’s too good to be true, no way that it’s real’. I… Read more »
There’s Never Been A Better Time To Find A Job

Let’s be honest – there are a lot of reasons to not go to work right now. Unemployment benefits are great. Companies are not increasing their wages enough to justify leaving the house. Traffic is already getting bad again and the bridge tolls have only increased since your last commute. Schools still remain mostly closed… Read more »
BOLT 500 Winner: David Currie

“Mother’s day is right around the corner so this money is going towards gifts for all the mothers in my life. They’ll be as excited as I am!” Congratulations to our first winner of the BOLT 500, David Currie! We stopped by his worksite on Friday afternoon to present him with our jumbo check and… Read more »
How Do I Get a Forklift License?

Having a forklift license can increase your earnings because it gives you more skills and makes you more valuable to your company. Earning your forklift license makes you become more proficient at work and allows you to feel more confident in yourself. In addition, it is very important to know that you are minimizing accidents… Read more »
Vanilla Buttercream

Buttercream is such a staple; everyone needs a go-to recipe. Well BOLT family, I offer you mine. Use this to frost cakes, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, whatever you want really. You can add food coloring or leave it plain white. You will need an electric mixer and a little bit of patience for this recipe; it… Read more »
What is a Temp Agency?

If you are looking for a job, you may have had someone recommend you work with a temp agency or staffing agency. If you’re unfamiliar with the staffing industry you might have questions like: What is a temp agency? What’s the difference between a temp agency and a staffing agency? What is staffing, anyways? Why… Read more »