How to find a job: 5 tips to get a good job

How to find a job? Have you sent hundreds of resumes and couldn’t find a perfect fit? We know, looking for a new job can often be exhausting. How do you look for work? Do you send copies of your resume to all the places that appear? Do you register on all employment platforms? Do… Read more »

Tips For Job Interviews

The job interview is an important step in your job search because it is your best chance to show the company and the hiring manager that you are the best candidate. To help you get that job, we have compiled some tips for job interviews, as well as some advice for answering the most frequently… Read more »

the BOLT Job Calculator

BOLT Job Calculator

There has never been a better time to get a job, but keeping track of your different job opportunities can get confusing!  To solve this problem, we’ve created the BOLT Job Calculator. Use this to keep track of your job opportunities, and give each a score based on what is important to you.   This free… Read more »

There’s Never Been A Better Time To Find A Job

Best Time To Find A Job

Let’s be honest – there are a lot of reasons to not go to work right now. Unemployment benefits are great. Companies are not increasing their wages enough to justify leaving the house. Traffic is already getting bad again and the bridge tolls have only increased since your last commute. Schools still remain mostly closed… Read more »

How Do I Get a Forklift License?

How do I get a forklift license?

Having a forklift license can increase your earnings because it gives you more skills and makes you more valuable to your company. Earning your forklift license makes you become more proficient at work and allows you to feel more confident in yourself. In addition, it is very important to know that you are minimizing accidents… Read more »

Supporting Your Staff and Keeping Business Afloat During Fire Season

Bay Area Staffing Agency

It is not an easy time to be a business or employee in California. COVID, the cost of living, and wildfires are disrupting day to day operations and challenging managers to support their employees. We at BOLT understand, and want to do what we can to help you and your business during this time of… Read more »

Tips for Business Success in the Era of COVID-19

Covid 19 staffing agency California

Unfortunately, it seems that COVID is here to stay, at least for a little while longer. Operating a business during the Coronavirus era is in no way a walk in the park. It is going to take a lot flexibility, planning and communication from both managers and employees alike. Keep reading for some tips we… Read more »

You Should Go Back to Work

Northern California Temp Agency

Quarantine is coming to an end and businesses are reopening! If you have been collecting unemployment, you are probably aware that it runs out after a certain number of weeks. How many weeks varies by state but it is a great idea to get ahead of this deadline. Luckily for you BOLT has jobs that can get you back to work fast. Below are some of… Read more »

Stay Productive While Working from Home

Bay Area Temp Agency

Even as many states are opening back up, office culture seems like it may never return to “normal”. For offices that are reopening, face masks and temperature checks seem to be here to stay. Remote work has become more accepted and even encouraged as some offices are going to stay closed. Working from home is great for many reasons; no commute, allows… Read more »

Steps for Turning Your Temporary Position into a Permanent One

Sonoma Temporary Staffing Agency

So, you are enjoying your temporary assignment and are looking to get hired for a permanent position. What can you do? How can you give yourself the best chance at securing a long-term role? Below we discuss some ways to show your employer that you are a valuable and successful employee, one who they will want to keep on their team.   Show dedication to your position  Show… Read more »