Unfortunately, it seems that COVID is here to stay, at least for a little while longer. Operating a business during the Coronavirus era is in no way a walk in the park. It is going to take a lot flexibility, planning and communication from both managers and employees alike. Keep reading for some tips we have complied to help keep your business afloat during this crazy time.
Provide reassurance and transparency for your employees
Both managers and employees alike all have concerns surrounding returning to work. You are likely to be asked about what precautions you will be taking to ensure the safety of your staff. The best thing you can do for your employees is to be transparent with them. You’re not going to be able to provide PPE? That’s okay but let them know so they can bring their own. You expect them to get a COVID test before returning to work? Give them plenty of time in advance to prepare to for this. If you are looking for help keeping your business clean Bolt has begun staffing sanitation workers. Learn more about how we can help you and your employees stay safe here.
Stay flexible
Maintaining a successful business during COVID will require flexibility. Priorities are going to shift and we’re going to have to be ready for anything. The best way to combat this uncertainty is to remain flexible and encourage good communication between internal teams. Maintaining good communication channels throughout your company is essential for meeting goals and catching problems early on. You may also want to consider hiring temporary staff for short term projects. Is paperwork piling up? Are you understaffed and scrambling to keep up? Temporary staff can help to lighten the load.
Take advantage of the unemployment rate
Going off of the last point, if you are in need of help there are tons of talented people looking for jobs right now. If your business is in a position to bring on new staff, now is the time to do so. The unemployment rate was hovering around 4% at the beginning of the year and is now at 11%. Whether you are looking for temporary or permanent additions to your team, there is an job-seeking qualified candidate for your position.
Remote work will become more important
No one knows how long Coronavirus will be around for but we all should plan for the future which may include a lot more remote work. Now may be a good time to invest in technology like laptops to keep your team connected. The last thing you want is to have to completely stop working due to stay at home orders, so it is better to get ahead of this problem now!
We hope that some of these tips will be useful for you as you operate in this uncertain time. If you have any questions about how temporary staffing can be of use to your business, please call 707-939-2800 and we would be happy to chat about how Bolt can start assisting your business today.