For the past six months, both job hunters and those who are hiring have had to adapt to the “new normal” of remote interviews. Zoom calls and phone interviews have taken the place of in person meetings. Like many, we at BOLT have adapted to these changes and currently conduct all of our interviews by phone or video chat. To make sure that you still rock your interview, we spoke with Sandra, one of our best recruiters, to give you the Do’s and Don’ts of phone interviews.
DO: Be Prepared
Nothing is worse than hearing from someone who isn’t ready for their interview. Before you have your call, make sure to research a few jobs and find some that you are interested in. This preparation shows the interviewer that you are engaged and that you are willing to go the extra mile before you even have the job. Employers want people who take initiative. Also, another way to help prepare yourself is to look over some common interview questions before your call which can help calm your nerves and give you extra time to think through responses.
DON’T: Schedule your call at an inconvenient time
With BOLT, you have the option to choose your phone interview at a time that works best for you. If you are not a morning person, schedule your call for when you are wide awake in the afternoon. Try to avoid scheduling during a small time frame, and pick a day that you have more availability. . Depending on the job you are applying for, phone or video calls could take 45 minutes to an hour, and it is best to give yourself to enough time, so you are relaxed and do not feel rushed
DO: Take it Seriously
Even though you are not meeting us in person, it is important that you take it just as seriously. This means finding a quiet place with minimal distractions and changing out of changing out of your pajamas (even if it is only for the interview). If your mindset and surroundings are professional, you will do better in your interview.
DON’T: Interrupt
Even though you may have those nervous jitters, it is important let the interviewer take the lead on the questions and not talk over them. You want to give them as much information as possible, in the most concise way. Talking over someone while they are asking questions or giving you information is rude and a sure way to not get the job.
Overall, the most important things to remember are relax and be yourself. Try not to overthink too much, you’ve got this! If you ever need a pep talk or additional advice, you can always call us at (707) 939-2800.