If you are a manager looking to have your staff return to the workplace, you may be asking yourself “What can I do to help them feel safe?”. This is an important question as no one will want to return to a workplace where safety concerns are not being taken seriously. Whether you are a warehouse supervisor or an officer manager, we can all use some help managing in this difficult time. Below we have listed some tips for helping your employees feel safe coming back to work.
Provide PPE
The first and easiest step for employers to help their employees feel safe coming back to work is providing PPE. A large bottle of hand sanitizer and a box of masks at the front door can go a long way. Not only will this help you and your employees stay safe, it also shows them that you are taking this situation seriously. It is also a relatively inexpensive way to demonstrate your dedication to providing a safe work environment for your employees. This box of 50 disposable face masks is only $18 and this 32 oz bottle of hand sanitizer is $16. For less than $40 you can put some of your employees concerns to rest.
Give Them Space
Similar to providing PPE, allowing adequate space for social distancing is important to helping your employees feel safe at work. While this may be easier for some businesses than others, being able to social distance is essential when bringing employees back to work. You may want to discuss this with your staff and see what set ups will make them feel comfortable. Does it mean rearranging the office? Will some team members work from home? Can your warehouse limit the amount of high traffic areas? Try to remain flexible and work with your employees to figure out what works best for your unique business.
Encourage Communication
It benefits everyone when there is clear communication between managers and employees. As an employee you feel supported and valued, and managers can gain beneficial insight from their staff. Internal communication during the era of Coronavirus has become even more important. Making sure that your employees know they can speak to you about safety or sanitation concerns will make them feel more comfortable returning to work. The sooner employees raise concerns to you, the faster you can respond with solutions.
Operating a business in 2020 is quite an adjustment but is something we are all working towards together. We hope these tips are helpful for you as you navigate addressing the safety concerns of your staff. If you feel like your business could benefit from extra sanitation help, Bolt has begun staffing sanitation workers to help keep workplaces clean. We staff positions like sanitation specialists, temperature checkers, social distancing monitors and more. You can learn more about our new sanitation services by clicking here.