The Simplest Things…

It doesn’t matter if you’re interviewing for CEO position or showing up for a catering job, attention to detail is the key to success. We’re not talking about some high level skill or job-related task. The most important thing you bring to an interview or to a job is not your training or experience. Obviously… Read more »

Job Seeking 101: Professional Follow-up

Following up with people you meet, whether at interviews, networking or other social events is the single most important thing you can do to assure your success in job hunting.   There are some simple rules to follow that will “lock down” the impression you make with the people you meet, and maximize your chances for… Read more »

Not the ADA, It's the ACA!

From Joanne Sanders Joanne Sanders The new federal healthcare mandates contained in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are less than a year from taking full effect. Some elements will come even sooner. How do you plan to adapt to the sweeping changes to employment law that are bearing down on us all?If you have 50… Read more »

Dollars and Sense: I can't afford to use an agency!

 Are you open to a surprise?  It’s natural to focus on the fees an agency like BOLT charges for our services and compare them to the cost of putting an ad on Craigslist and a few other job sites and conclude it’s cheaper to do it yourself (DIY).  That is the conventional wisdom.  As is… Read more »

Most Place-able Candidates!

Every day our trained BOLT Staffing recruiters interview, reference check, and place candidates for our clients.  While we always want to place our standouts, we don’t always have a job order for them. Here’s Jane Tanner:  Call her to learn more! a quick look at the kind of exceptional people we’ve met recently: Candidate #1: … Read more »

4-Tens and Temps

Recently we’ve received orders from companies working 4 ten hour shifts per week (4×10). We’ve appreciated the orders, because for our assignment employees who can manage the longer workdays, the 3 day weekend is very appealing. Because 4×10 schedules are an exception for us, we encountered a situation we hadn’t thought about before.  If you’re… Read more »

Update from the comfort of home!

Upgrading your skills is the key to upgrading your lifestyle. Nothing beats paid experience, but classwork is important too. If you’ve learned some new stuff on the job or in a classroom, be sure to let us know. We’ll review your updated resume along with what you tell us. In some cases we might have… Read more »

Temporary to Permanent: The Efficient Route to Successful Hires

How many times have you wished that you had an opportunity to evaluate something that you’ve bought before you parted with your hard won dollars? Buyer’s remorse is part of life. However, there are a few places where you don’t have to buy unknowns. If you are thinking of adding staff, it’s time to think… Read more »

Highlights from Seminar

Celia McArdle, our payroll maven recently attended a Payroll Law seminar in Santa Rosa. “I walked out relieved, but even more paranoid than when I walked in,” she said. “I was relieved because we already complied with everything they talked about that applied to us. I was more paranoid as a result of knowing about… Read more »

Caught Short?

BOLT Staffing is in business to meet your last minute staffing needs. We fill many of our orders the same day we get them. We keep a “Hot List” of assignment employees who are ready to go at a moment’s notice.  We’ll help you stay productive by sending you qualified, pre-screened workers. We’re open from… Read more »