6 Quick Tips for Job Seekers

Tips from Anthony Pizziol, BOLT’s American Canyon Office Manager
Are you on the job hunt? Here are some practical tips to help you get what we all want: to get you your next job.

  1. Check your voicemail and email often!– Delays kill your prospects of getting hired. If our Staffing Coordinators have to call you repeatedly, the chances increase that the job will go to someone else. When you are searching for a job, every phone call is important.  If you are actively seeking employment you need to act like it. Keep a constant eye on your email. If possible, make sure all your phones are forwarded to your cell phone.
  2. Summarize your past work experience – as a job seeker you need to be as detailed as possible on their resume, yet still be brief. A one page resume is ideal, especially if you are an entry-to-mid level candidate. If you have a lot of experience, a two-page resume may be appropriate. Anything longer than that may be too cumbersome for a recruiter to read.
  3. List all relevant education and software skills on resume– Include all of your higher level educational experience, listing your most recent or most advanced degree first. If you have college education, then it is not necessary to list that you have a HS Diploma. If applicable, also list your continuing education and professional training.  Technical skills are also highly sought after by employers. Be sure to include them on your resume. Also, be sure the recruiter or hiring manager knows about qualifications that are not listed on your resume. You want your prospective employers to understand your entire picture, but don’t oversell your proficiency. Most staffing companies use software proficiency tests during the application process to ensure they are sending qualified candidates to their clients.
  4. Social Media – Every professional level job seeker should have a clean and polished LinkedIn profile and Social Media presence.LinkedIn is the most important networking platform for professionals. If you are job searching, make sure you have a profile that reads like your resume, and don’t forget to include a professional photo.
  5. More Social Media Jive – We can’t beat this drum enough. All job seekers must make sure their Facebook account is either private, or if it is public, make sure there is nothing inappropriate or derogatory on their page. It’s become standard practice for hiring managers, including our clients, to turn to Facebook and Google to find out more about job seekers and candidates prior to interviewing and extending full-time job offers to existing agency assignment employees.
  6. General Advice – when I was in the final stretch of my college career, I received some advice from a professor that I love to share with the pessimistic unemployed or underemployed job seekers. To have success, you must make finding a job a full-time job.” (Pretty profound stuff huh?) Meaning you will get out of it what you put in. If you are unemployed, treat your search as a job, and spend your time between 9-5pm performing the job search activities that will lead you to success.

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