Brussels Sprouts Metamorphosis

As a kid, to say I didn’t like vegetables is an understatement.  The pinnacle of my distaste was the mighty Brussels sprout.  It triggered my gag reflex at the dinner table like saliva in a kid’s mouth when he is heading down Highway 1 on the Sonoma Coast.  Under no circumstances could I imagine eating them, let alone enjoying them, even as I evolved into an adult with vegetarian tendencies.
My mom found a recipe that changed everything.  It entailed disassembling the sprouts or “leafing” them.  This is labor intensive but the outcome is so different from that bitter, mushy, ugly, green beast of my childhood.
Yesterday we paid about $4.50 for a pound and a half of these mini cabbages.  Rather than leaf them, my mom sliced them ever so thinly (a mandolin or slicer would have come in handy).  I made a vinaigrette with some fresh squeezed lemon juice, toasted sesame seeds and grapeseed oil.  I tossed it and put in fridge for about an hour. 
No cooking.  It’s a slaw and much better tasting than boiled Brussels sprouts.  A pound and a half will easily serve 8.


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