We get it- applying for jobs is stressful, and the waiting game that comes after you apply is even worse. Staying confident and being patient while awaiting a response is important, but eventually, it is up to you to reach out! Contacting employers can be intimidating, but we have a few tips to help you hear back… Read more »
Tag: job search
the BOLT Job Calculator
There has never been a better time to get a job, but keeping track of your different job opportunities can get confusing! To solve this problem, we’ve created the BOLT Job Calculator. Use this to keep track of your job opportunities, and give each a score based on what is important to you. This free… Read more »
Words of Wisdom (3): Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills
Sure, the interviewer herself probably won’t ask you outright to list your hard and soft skills. She might be a bit more subtle than that and ask about your “qualifications” or your “leadership style,” but you should be prepared with a mental (maybe physical, too) list of your hard and soft skills to market to… Read more »
Our words of wisdom for your job search: (1) Preparing your resume
Welcome to our newest blog series— Our words of wisdom for your job search. This opening blog will cover the all-important “Resume”. What is it? Do you need it? and How do you write a good one? Find out! Most jobs nowadays require that you submit a resume. A resume is a one page document… Read more »